3 Simples But Powerful Ways to Attract Money

One of the most common goals people set when first learning about the Law of Attraction is to attract more money into their lives.  They are sick of struggling, sick of not having enough, and they are eager to find relief.  Unfortunately, attracting money is often one of the most difficult objectives, simply because money carries such heavy emotional weight in our lives.  There’s a lot riding on the success (or failure) of our goal to attract more money!  Namely, our peace of mind, happiness, security and much more.

Unfortunately, placing such strong emphasis on the outcome of money attraction only creates more blockages.  The more you think you desperately “need” more money; the more you believe you can’t be happy without it; the more frustrated you get when it isn’t showing up and then the longer it is going to take you to attract it.

The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to make the process easier:

1)  Lighten Up!

The more tense and serious you are about attracting money, the harder it’s going to be.  If you instead look at it like a fun game, you will be devoting a perfect mixture of light, positive energy to the process – which is a natural prosperity attractor!  In fact, make it your mission to be light-hearted and easy going about money and everything else in your life from now on.  Not only will you end up attracting more money, but also more love, joy, peace, fun and passion in all areas of your life.

2)  Be What You Want to Attract.

Another common blockage is the perception of “here and there.”  You believe you are HERE, in the midst of lack and struggle, and you are trying to get over THERE, where there is peace and abundance aplenty.  What you’ll eventually realize is that there is no “here or there.”  There is only right now, and whatever you are communicating to the universe right now is what you are creating in your physical reality. 

Rather than focusing on trying to ATTRACT more money, BECOME a person who has all the money they could ever need.  Think, feel and act as if your goal is already achieved, and the universe will make it so!  Focus daily on feeling happy, abundant, peaceful, secure, and grateful and you will attract life circumstances that correspond with those feelings.

3)  Let Go.

Don’t worry about “how” your money will come.  Don’t focus obsessively on winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance or anything else specific.  Let the universe decide how it will come.  Keep your eyes open for opportunities to receive more money and act on them if you see them, but otherwise detach and know that it’s on the way!  This is easier said than done, but the more you try to control “how” your abundance comes, the more blockages you create. 

Additionally, be sure to let go of WHEN money comes into your life.  You might be tempted to set a deadline, but the universe has its own timing and wisdom. When you attempt to force an outcome, the universe will resist. Be willing to trust and let go, and you open a gateway for immense blessings to flow into your life.

Success is about letting go and surrendering. This might be opposite to what you have been taught. But if you rest your faith in the Universe to bring you the people, the conversations, the in-sights, the opportunities and the solutions you need/wants, rather than push to find them, they will come. When you surrender to the Universe, you are able to carry peace and contentment throughout your life. You will feel supported no matter what you are moving through, and you can see blessings flowing into your life easily and effortlessly.

  1. Thank you Dr. Fred for your teachings.

    “You believe you are HERE, in the midst of lack and struggle, and you are trying to get over THERE, where there is peace and abundance aplenty. What you’ll eventually realize is that there is no “here or there.” There is only right now”

    I needed this right now
    Sometimes it’s frustrating to overthink, one step at a time with open mind.
    Thank you Sir.

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About Dr. Fred Freeman Okpala

Dr Fred Freeman Okpala is a result driven, self-motivated and resourceful Business Lecturer with strong theoretical and industry knowledge. Good experience with in-depth understanding of all aspects of business studies and effective teaching styles that ensure the elimination of all barriers to learning and imparting adequate knowledge of the subject-matter. Providing quality learning experience that ensures effective student engagement and educational standards.

About Dr. Fred Freeman Okpala

Dr Fred Freeman Okpala is a result driven, self-motivated and resourceful Business Lecturer with strong theoretical and industry knowledge. Good experience with in-depth understanding of all aspects of business studies and effective teaching styles that ensure the elimination of all barriers to learning and imparting adequate knowledge of the subject-matter. Providing quality learning experience that ensures effective student engagement and educational standards.

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